Friday, June 1, 2012


I don't know what to call this one. I want to write to let you know that I am still alive. I just do not have much to say. I saw two dogs doing the deed while I was walking today. I walk (usually) every morning. I had earwax removed from a doctor in Tbilisi (the capital). The Peace Corps foot the bill plus put me up for a night in a hostel. That was Tuesday. Last weekend we all went to see how current volunteers are living. I went out West near the Black Sea. I went with another Trainee. The tourist city (Batumi) was nice. It would be nice to be placed out that way. The current volunteers seem to see each other often and go to a central location. I don't want to be isolated. It was nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that PST (training) will be over eventually then we can get on with why we really came here.

We had our placement interviews this week. That is where we tell the staff where we want to be placed. I believe they take our wants into account but the decision isn't ultimately up to us. The staff decides where our skills would be a best fit. We find out June 11th where we will spend the next two years. That will be a nerve-racking day.

We also have our mid-assessments in our technical and language training next week. I am not worried about the technical one. The language one is only there to see how we are doing at our near-halfway mark. I am still worried about it. Oh well. Can't do anything about it except practice and study.

Otherwise, all is well. Still have a student loan hanging over me but hopefully it should be taken care of by the end of next week.
We just completed week 4 of training. Only 7 more to go.
That's all for now.

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